Volume 36, number 7/8
July/August 2022
35th LEEWARD OAHU KENDO TOURNAMENT – August 21, 2022, Mililani District Park Gym
Yonenbu 8-11 Years Shonenbu 12-14 Years 1st place – Colton Hara, Kenshikan 1st place – Shu Etsumi, Kenshikan 2nd place – Aura Arios, Seibukan 2nd place – Kaden Kojima, Kenshikan Seinenbu 15 Years and Above Women’s Mudansha Open 1st place – Devin Chung, Cascade PNKF 1st place – Genevieve Antaya, Lihue 2nd place – Reb Arios, Seibukan Women's Yudansha Open Yudansha 1-2 Dan 1st place – Jane Higa, Cascade PNKF 1st place – Kyle Fukuda, Cascade PNKF 2nd place – Tina Kaku, Kenshikan 2nd place – Brandon Matsumoto, Kenshikan Yudansha 3-4 Dan Yudansha 5 Dan and Above 1st place – Kevin Chun, Kenshikan 1st place – Lonny Hancock, Mililani 2nd place – Issei So, Kenshikan 2nd place – Jack Yamada, Kenshikan Yudansha Masters 50 Years and Over 1st place – Keith Hui, Meikyokan 2nd place – Takahiro Masuda, Kenshikan Team Match 1st place - Mililani (Lonny Hancock, Chase Takenaka, Keith Hui, Mark Matsumoto, Carl Nakamura) 2nd place – Cascade PNKF (Sue Vanasouk, Matt Xu, Kyle Fukuda, Jane Higa, Taryn Imanishi) Parents/Kids Team Match Parents – 3 Won by Points Taken Kids - 3 James Oka "Kantosho" Fighting Spirit Award – Gabriel Hart Simmons, Lihue
PNKF IAIDO SHINSA, Sunday, July 17, 2022, Meridian, ID.
3RD KYU: Jay Farrell (Idaho), Kade Gledhill (SWKIF), Christopher Tilt (Obukan).
2ND KYU: Anandhavel Nagendrakumar (Idaho), Amelia Wilson (RMKIF).
1ST DAN: Rhett Atagi (Idaho).
PNKF KENDO SHINSA, August 13, 2022, Kent.
6TH KYU: Alex Derrick (Northwest), Clara Kim (Northwest), Nathan Kim (Northwest), Isaac Santos (Kent).
5TH KYU: Jiyong Kwon (Kirkland), James Lee (Cascade), Sean Wales (Northwest).
4TH KYU: Connor Burke (Kent), James Dueck (Federal Way), Ray Kawamoto (Bellevue), Jett Kiyohara (Federal Way), Emerson Lau (Bellevue), Louis Liang (Northwest), Vivian Quach (Bellevue), Mandakini Saroop (Bellevue), Michelle Yip (Bellevue).
3RD KYU: Kumi Abe (Edmonds), Shelly Aber (Bellevue), Marcus Borillo (Bellevue), Shay Cunningham (UW), Daniel DiMatteo (Obukan), Salvatore Faso (Bellevue), Chang Feng (Bellevue), Xander Field (Federal Way), James Fox (Spokane), Peter Greko (Spokane), Kyle Hyun (Cascade), Seohee Jeon (Bellevue), Christopher Johnson (Seattle), Saiichi Johnson (Seattle), Xavius Johnson (Bellevue), Makoto Kanamori (Alaska), Owen Kaufman (Portland), Jomo Kiyohara (Federal Way), Staci Kopcha (Tacoma), Patrick Lau (Bellevue), Truman Lau (Bellevue), Wenqian Liu (Portland), Ezra Corcoro Marx (Federal Way), Man I Pang (Bellevue), Kira Pierce (Kent), Lee Salkin (Spokane), Sean Sele (Portland), Kodee Soetamin (UW), Mifune Tanimura (Edmonds), Norman Thompson (Spokane), Molivan Tuy (Bellevue), Balter Wang (Cascade), Brandon Wied (Portland), Emi Wong (UW), Yisa Wu (UW), Alex Yang (Bellevue).
2ND KYU: Joseph Bernal (Bellevue), AJ Chao (UW), Cian Chu (UW), Madeleine Day (Highline), Jeramy Gee (Tacoma), Tory Kim (Northwest), Emily McCracken (Spokane), Russ McLaren (Kent), Dillon Peterson (Spokane), Brian Shin (Tacoma), Dan Terao (Cascade), Denise Quach (Seattle), Nikhil Varma (Seattle).
1ST KYU: Nicholas Chu (Bellevue), Daniel Kao (Tacoma), Sean Kim (Seattle), Marina Montes (Bellevue), Rebecca Roland (Portland), Hui Shen (Tacoma), Daniel Shilov (Highline), Alec Yuen (Seattle).
1ST DAN: Michael Ciesielski (Spokane), Edouard Lassalle (Northwest), Aneurin Mabale (Seattle), TJ Okamura (UW), Conrad Slater (Tacoma), Neo Smith (Bellevue), Brian Wong (UW), Zhaoyuan Xu (Cascade), Jonathan Yu (Northwest).
2ND DAN: Kamia Acoba (Everett), Tommy Espinal (Highline), James Faulkner (Edmonds), Kyle Fukuda (UW), Kailun Hu (UW), Spencer Kua (Kenchikai), John Lin (Portland), Dan McLean (Kenchikai), Emilio Peralta (Obukan), Michael Rea (Spokane).
3RD DAN: Jin Ho Jeon (Bellevue), Roberto Ramirez Monroy (Sno-King), Mikiyo Ohashi (Edmonds), Bryant Pae (Northwest), Blake Sprenger (Obukan), Mark Verrey (Sno-King), Xiaoxi Wang (Seattle), Shun Wetlesen (Obukan), Yujia Zhao (Seattle).
4TH DAN: Richard Carroll (Cascade), Nicholas Cook (Portland), Trinh Ho (Northwest), Su Hwan Kim (Northwest), Joshua Koplin (Bellevue), Van Le (Kenchikai), Conor Marsten (Kent), James Okada (Cascade).
AUSKF KENDO SHINSA, August 28, 2022, Las Vegas.
1ST KYU: Ahmad Abdulla (SWKIF), Jorge Bernadas (NCKF), Eugene Chang (NCKF), Diana Cheatham (RMKIF), Kelly Corwin (RMKIF), Alexander Delgado (NCKF), Michael Ishitani (MWKF), Songyang Wang (AEUSKF).
1ST DAN: Daniel Gruspier (AEUSKF), Rei Otose (NCKF), Aaron Rowell (RMKIF), Guillermo Toro (SWKIF), Yossie Trisbiantara (NCKF).
2ND DAN: Eric Chen (SCKF), Donovan Heimer (RMKIF), Martin Maxey (NCKF), Sunil Mehta (MWKF), David Patino (SWKIF), Jianing Xie (SWKIF).
3RD DAN: Derek Le (SCKF), Michelle Lim (RMKIF), Leo Olten (SWKIF), Kyle Pagdayunan (SCKO).
4TH DAN: Jake Dupre (SWKIF), Jill Harasawa (SCKO), Naruyoshi Hirata (SWKIF), Michael Huang (SCKF), Yujin Takayanagi (SCKO), Nathan Williams (SWKIF).
5TH DAN: Shigeto Akiyama (AEUSKF), David Chin (MWKF), Masami Hamasaki (AEUSKF), Andrew Kim (WKF), Satoru Konopka (NCKF), Victoria Kuo (SCKO), Kay Liu (SCKF), Jeason Ma (AEUSKF), Osamu Osawa (GNEUSKF), Yusuke Sakuma (SCKO), Patrick Stewart (SEUSKF), Keiichiro Tsuji MWKF), Dorian Williams (CCKF).
6TH DAN: Yong Cho (SWKIF), Robert Cochran (MWKF), Dale Hatakeyama (NCKF), Jarrod Hatakeyama (SCKF), Takashi Ito (EUSKF), Christopher John (WKF), Stephen Kang (GNEUSKF), Garrett Matsumoto (Hawaii), Katsumi Matsumoto (MWKF), Shigemi Matsuyama (GNEUSKF), Yuichi Miura (Hawaii), Hajime Mori (SCKO), Masato Nakamura (GNEUSKF), Masahiko Negita (AEUSKF), Sang Oh (Hawaii), William Register (SEUSKF), Noriyuki Sakuma (MWKF), Minoru Segawa (SCKF), Gordon Small (MWKF), Masao Suzuki (SCKF), Susan Zau (SCKF).
7TH DAN: Hiroshi Ichimura (NCKF), Atsushi Kajoka (SCKO), Sung Kim (SEUSKF), Agustin Martinez (NCKF), Yukiko Miura (SCKO), Kenji Takahashi (SCKF), Munik Zo (WKF).
RENSHI: Shinji Onitsuka (NCKF).
After that first practice, I sat on the sensei side instead of the student side and was recognized as a kendo man. I was welcome to practice with the police at any time. I was glad but if that had not happened, it would have been okay. Kendo practice was part of me, a treasured part of my life that had been absent for too long. I hadn’t realized it, but I was starved for practice; it was as important as eating. I found myself and was alive again. And now I felt life in me again. It had been more than three years since I had held a shinai. I hadn’t thought much about it, but when I felt the sword in my hands, I knew that I really missed kendo! There were many times at Busen that I would have been happy to skip practice. Hard to believe that there were times when I was bored with practice. A whole year of kirikaeshi? I desperately wanted something new to work on. I thought of goals, of improving my skills, of winning tournaments, of being best. But now, just holding a shinai in my hands and practicing felt great!
–Rod Nobuto Omoto, Autobiography, edited by Charlotte Omoto, 2014, p. 51. Available as free download at lulu.com.
Kenyu – Monthly Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation PLEASE NOTE: Kenyu Online IS THE EDITION OF RECORD FOR THIS NEWSLETTER – https://www.pnkf.org/ Tom Bolling, Editor – 7318 23rd Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98115