Kenyu – November/December 2017

Volume 31, number 11/12

November/December 2017


December 2017

  • 12/10, 12/24, and 12/31: no practice at Seattle Kendo Kai.

January 2018

  • 1/1: Hatsugeiko, Mon, 6:30am Seattle, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Gym, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle.
  • 1/1: Hatsugeiko, Mon, 9:30-11am, Obukan, Fulton Community Center, 68 SW Miles Street, Portland, OR.
  • 1/6-7: Iaidaho 2018, Sat 12noon-5pm/Sun 10am-2:30pm, Iaido Seminar, on Seitei topics, competition, group enbu, and shinsa, Boise State University, Kinesiology Gym, Boise. Kendo Fri 1/5, 6:30-8pm, West Boise YMCA.
  • 1/13: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, Sat, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle.
  • 1/27: PNKF Kata Seminar, Sat, 12noon-5pm, Chinook Middle School, 18650 42nd Avenue S., Seattle.
  • 1/27: 2018 Intercollegiate Taikai, Sat, 10a, McKinnon Gym, University of Victoria, 3800 Finnery Road, Victoria BC.

February 2018

  • 2/10: 56th Steveston Taikai, Sat, 9am, McMath High School, 4251 Garry Street, Richmond BC.
  • 2/10-11: FIK America Zone Kendo Referee Seminar, Sat-Sun, Centre sportifETS, 1111 Notre-Dame Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • 2/10-11: Hoshu Dojo Jodo Mini-Camp, Sat 10am-5pm and Sun 7am-12pm, Justice Institute of British Columbia, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. Schedule: Sat 10am-5pm and Sun 7am-12pm.
  • 2/24: PNKF Shinsa, Sat, Iaido 9am-12noon; Kendo 12:30-4pm, open keiko 4-5pm Tyee Educational Complex, 4424 S. 188th Street, SeaTac, located right off I-5 at S. 188th Street.

March 2018

  • 3/17: Highline Taikai, Sat, doors open 8:30am, opening ceremonies 9:30am, White Center Community Center, 1321 SW 102nd Street, Seattle.
  • 3/17-18: 22nd Annual Shoryuhai, Sat/Sun, Malkin Athletic Center, 39 Holyoke Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • 3/24: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, Sat, Kent Commons Recreation Center, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 3/31: 30th Anniversary Kendo Tournament / GNEUSKF Championships, Sat, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH.

April 2018

  • 4/1: GNEUSKF Kendo Education Seminar led by Masaharu Kakehashi Sensei, Hanshi 8th Dan, former chief instructor of Tokyo Metropolitan Kendo as well as GNEUSKF shinsa and Iaido seminar led by Shozo Kato Sensei, Kendo Kyoshi 8th Dan Iaido Kyoshi 7th Dan, Sun, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
  • 4/8: 2018 AUSKF Jr. Nationals, Sun, Marina High School, Huntington Beach, California. The gym will be open the day before (April 7) for preparation.
  • 4/14: UW Taikai, Sat, 10am, Intramural Activities Building (IMA), UW campus, Montlake Boulevard NE.
  • 4/14-15: AUSKF Board meeting and Kodansha Shinsa, Sat-Sun, SCKO venue TBD.
  • 4/21: PNKF Shinpan Seminar, Sat, 1-6pm, Highland Park Community Center, 14224 Bel-Red Road, Bellevue.
  • 4/22: Cherry Blossom demo, Sun, Seattle Center.

May 2018

  • 5/5: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, Sat, Kent Commons Recreation Center, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 5/19: Bellevue Junior Taikai, Sat, 9:30am-3pm, Highland Park Community Center, 14224 Bel-Red Road, Bellevue.
  • 5/26: 52nd Vancouver Kendo Tournament, Sat, 10am-6pm, Byrne Creek Secondary School, 7777 18th Street, Burnaby, BC.
  • 5/31-6/4: AUSKF Iaido Seminar, Salt Lake City.

June 2018

  • 5/31-6/4: AUSKF Iaido Summer Camp and Jodo Seminar, Thu-Mon, with Iaido Hanshi 8th Dan Teruo Mitani and Iaido Kyoshi 8th Dan Atsumi Hatakenaka, Eccles Student Life Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
    • Thursday (May 31, 2018) – Iaido Seminar (9:00 AM – 4:45 PM)
    • Friday (June 1, 2018) – Iaido Seminar (9:00 AM – 4:30 PM)
    • Saturday (June 2, 2018) – AUSKF Iaido Championships (9:00 AM – 4:30 PM)
    • Sunday (June 3, 2018) – Iaido Shinsa (9:00 AM – 11:45 AM), Jodo Seminar (1:00 PM –
    4:00 PM), Jodo Shinsa (4:00 PM – 5:00 PM)
    • Monday (June 4, 2018) – Jodo Seminar (9:00 AM – 11:30 AM)

  • 6/9: Rose City Taikai.
  • 6/14-17: 11th Annual US Nito Kendo Camp, Seminar, and Shinsa, Thu-Sun, with Ryoichi FUJII, Yamaguchi, Kyoshi 8 dan, Yoshihiro UGAJIN, Tokyo, Kyoshi 7 dan,Futoshi SATO, Chiba, Kyoshi 7 dan, Mitsuyoshi WADA, Tokyo, Kyoshi 7 dan, Taichi KISA, Osaka, Kyoshi 7 dan, and Ako FUJII, Yamaguchi, Renshi 6 dan, College of Idaho, J.A. Albertson Activities Center, Caldwell, Idaho.
    * Thursday, (June 14, 2018) – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Welcome Keiko
    * Friday, (June 15, 2018) – 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Seminar
    * Saturday (June 16, 2018) – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Seminar (Banquet 6:30 pm)
    * Sunday, (June 17, 2018) – 9:00 am – 3:30 pm, Shinsa and Taikai

July 2018

  • 7/21: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, Sat, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle.

August 2018

  • 8/11: PNKF Shinsa, Kent Commons Recreation Center, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

September 2018

  • 9/14-16: 17WKC, Fri/Sat/Sun, Seoul, Korea.
  • 9/15: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, Sat, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle.
  • 9/28-9/30: PNKF Iaido Seminar and Tournament, Fri, Sat, Sun.
    Teachers: Iaido Kyoshi 8th Dan Hideo Noguchi; and Iaido Kyoshi 7th Dan Shigehiro Aoki
    and Kaoru Suzuki.
    Schedule: Fri, 7-9pm Jodo/Iaido; Sat, 9am-5pm Iaido; Sun
    9am-12noon Iaido Tournament; 1-5pm Iaido.

October 2018

  • 10/6: PNKF Shinpan Seminar, Sat, 12noon-5pm, Kent Commons Recreation Center, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 10/20: Tacoma Taikai, Sat, 9:30am Opening Ceremonies (doors open at 8:30am), Curtis High School, 8425 40th Street West, University Place, WA 98466 (tentative).

November 2018

  • 11/3: PNKF Taikai, Sat, Kent Commons Recreation Center, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 11/10: AUSKF Board meeting, Sat, venue TBD.
  • 11/11: Kodansha Shinsa, Sun, venue TBD.
  • 11/17: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, Sat, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle.

December 2018

  • 12/1: Kent Taikai, Sat, Kendo Commons Recreation Center, 525 4th Avenue N, (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 12/9: PNKF Jodo Shinsa.


    At their November 18, 2017 meeting, the new 2017/2018 Board was seated, and Officers were elected.

    – CJ Chaney (Sno-King), Vice-President – Doug Imanishi (Seattle),
    Treasurer – Mary DeJong (Highline), Secretary – Tom Bolling (Bellevue). UW Advisor
    CJ Chaney.

    Other Board members are: Sean Blechschmidt (Bellevue), Cougar Capoeman (Tacoma), Frederic Fourie
    (AiShinKai), Mark Frederick (Northwest), Noelle Grimes (Sno-King), Mart Hughes (Obukan), Taryn Imanishi (Cascade), Michael Mabale (Seattle), Curtis Marsten (Kent), Elizabeth Marsten (Highline), Vicki Marsten
    (Federal Way), Tiarnan Marsten (Kent), Edward Olson (Tonbo), Chris Ruiz (Spokane), Russ Sinclair (Spokane), Robert Stroud
    (Idaho), Val Vulfson (Northwest), Francis Walsh (UW), and David Yotsuuye (Bellevue).

    18th INVITATIONAL TACOMA KENDO TAIKAI – October 21, 2017, Curtis High School, University Place

    9 and Under                               10-12 Years Kyu
    1st place - Ezra Cocoro-Marx, Federal Way 1st place - Jonathan Yu, Northwest
    2nd place - Kaito Ayers, Sno-King         2nd place - Nicholas Chu, Bellevue
    3rd place - Owen Kaufman, Portland        3rd place - Hana Koob, Bellevue
    Participant - Maddy Day, Kent
    Participant - Joey Oday, Tacoma
    Participant - Karis Kim, Tacoma
    13-15 Years Kyu                           16-18 Years Kyu 
    1st place - Taiki Miyamoto, Northwest     1st place - Kengo Underhill, Northwest
    2nd place - Josh Kim, Federal Way         2nd place - Kyle Fukuda, Cascade
    3rd place - Danny Chung, Cascade          3rd place - Michizane Ohata, Bellevue
    Adult 0-2 Kyu                             Adult 1 Kyu-1 Dan
    1st place - Victor Blancarte, Sno-King    1st place - Cougar Capoeman, Tacoma
    2nd place - Leo Gao, UW                   2nd place - Philbert Lin, Bellevue
    3rd place - Anthony Yorita, UW            3rd place - Gregory Vielhaber, Portland
    Youth Dan                                 Adult 2-3 Dan
    1st place - Andy Yuen, Seattle            1st place - Tiarnan Marsten, Kent
    2nd place - Allison Kojima, Bellevue      2nd place - Koyo Yoshida, Everett
    3rd place - Drake Imanishi, Seattle       3rd place - Koichi Toshima, Portland
    15 and Under Team
    1st place - Northwest A (J. Yu, Keiji Underhill, Taiki Miyamoto)
    2nd place - Bellevue A (H. Koob, L. Ohata, S. Kojima)
    Senior Youth Team
    1st place - Seattle (A. Yuen, Kengo Underhill, D. Imanishi)
    2nd place - Cascade (K. Fukuda, T. Seyduzov, D. Yip)
    Mudansha Team
    1st place - Bellevue (J. Jeon, H. Su, L. Ohata)
    2nd place - UW (A. Yorita, L. Gao, T. Lee)
    National Anthem Singer - Alisa Yoshikawa
    Sportsmanship Pledge - Daniel Kao
    Shinpan Cho - David S. Yotsuuye

    43rd ANNUAL PNKF KENDO TOURNAMENT – November 4, 2017, Kent Commons Recreation Center

    10 Years and Under                        11-12 Years
    1st place - E. Chui, Steveston            1st place - H. Homma, Renbu
    2nd place - N. Son, Renbu                 2nd place - J. Hung, Steveston
    3rd place - D. Buckham, UVictoria         3rd place - O. Benson, Youshinkan
    3rd place - F. Benson, Youshinkan         3rd place - E. Cho, Renbu
    13-15 Years                               High School Boys
    1st place - R. Kim, Renbu                 1st place - B. Liao, Bellevue
    2nd place - A. Son, Renbu                 2nd place - A. Yuen, Seattle
    3rd place - B. Miki, Steveston            3rd place - E. Chui, Steveston
    3rd place - T. Miyamoto, Northwest        3rd place - M. Ohata, Bellevue
    0-4 Kyu                                   3-1 Kyu
    1st place - H. Su, Bellevue               1st place - KE Underhill, Northwest
    2nd place - G. Li, OSU                    2nd place - C. Pak, Portland
    3rd place - T. Chui, Steveston            3rd place - A. Yorita, UW
    3rd place - J. Davis, Northwest           3rd place - Y. Paik, Tacoma
    Women Kyu                                 Women Dan
    1st place - K. McIntosh, Federal Way      1st place - W. Robillard, Steveston
    2nd place - E. Law, UW                    2nd place - N. Grimes, Sno-King
    3rd place - J. Wong, Bellevue             3rd place - H. Yamada, Vancouver
    3rd place - A. Tan, UW                    3rd place - M. Oya, Palouse
    1-2 Dan                                   3 Dan
    1st place - E. Lee, Renbu                 1st place - D. Miura, Hawaii
    2nd place - B. Pae, Northwest             2nd place - T. Marsten, Kent
    3rd place - D. Anzai, Obukan              3rd place - M. Yoneda, Kent
    3rd place - D. Imanishi, Seattle          3rd place - I. Miki, Steveston
    4 Dan and Above
    1st place - H. Kim, Hawaii
    2nd place - T. Yamada, Vancouver
    3rd place - K. Kobayashi, Youshinkan
    3rd place - S. Harris, Hawaii
    Junior Team
    1st place - Renbu A (K. Squance, Y. Lee, A. Son, K. Itagaki, R. Kim)
    2nd place - Steveston A (R. Nakano, C. Robillard, E. Chui, B. Miki, J. Hung)
    3rd place - Renbu B (N. Son, KE Yoshimura, E. Cho, I. Son, H. Homma)
    3rd place - Bellevue A (H. Koob, T. Koob, M. Tawara, T. Dage, S. Kojima)
    Senior Team
    1st place - Vancouver (K. Darbyshire, J. Schmidt, H. Yamada, S. Jung, T. Yamada)
    2nd place - Hawaii (V. Yancy, D. Miura, S. Harris, H. Kim, T. Buntin)
    3rd place - Renbu (E. Lee, A. Espiritu, E. Kita, O. Young, D. Taguchi)
    3rd place - Youshinkan (K. Kobayashi, K. Takeuchi, C. Takeuchi, J. Chien, T. Nakamura)
    Taikai Co-Chairs - CJ Chaney and Taryn Imanishi
    Shinpan Cho - Tatsuhiko Konno
    Court Manager - David S. Yotsuuye
    Sportsmanship Pledge - Allison Kojima
    Shoji Trophy - Kengo Underhill
    Presidential Service Award - Daniel Ichinaga
    Presidential Service Award - Darrick Lew

    AIEA TAIHEIJI KENDO TOURNAMENT 2017 – November 19, 2017, Halawa Gym, Aiea, Oahu

    Yonenbu (11 Years and Below)              Shonenbu (12-14 Years Old)
    1st place - Caden Matsumoto               1st place - Nobuhiko Tamura
    2nd place - Ethan Amano                   2nd place - Zachary Yamamoto
    3rd place - Jacob Amano                   3rd place - Mari Shimabukuro
    3rd place - Ethan Suyama                  3rd place - Brandyn Matsumoto
    Seinenbu-Nidan                            Women's
    1st place - Brycen Kawakami               1st place - Nicole Chun
    2nd place - Joshua Amano                  2nd place - Megan Watanabe
    3rd place - John Pitts                    3rd place - Gale Mejia
    3rd place - Eric Young                    3rd place - Tina Kaku
    Yudansha 3+                               Yudansha Masters
    1st place - Hyun Kim                      1st place - Iwao Sato
    2nd place - Wesley Fujimoto               2nd place - Ken Sugano
    3rd place - Christopher Goodin            3rd place - Bert Shibuya
    3rd place - Daiki Miura                   3rd place - Carl Nakamura
    Children's Team                           Adults' Team 
    1st place - Kenshikan A                   1st place - Mililani A
    2nd place - Kenshikan B                   2nd place - Aiea
    Grand Champion
    Hyun Kim

    21st KENT INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT – December 2, 2017, Kentwood High School, Kent

    10 Years and Under (Jr A)            3-1 Kyu
    1st place - N. Chu, Bellevue         1st place - Ken Underhill, Northwest
    2nd place - I. DeBlieck, Sno-King    2nd place - A. Yorita, UW
    3rd place - JU Paik, Tacoma          3rd place - E. Lam, Kent
    3rd place - D. Shilov, Highline      3rd place - B. Sprenger, Obukan
    11-12 Years (Jr B)                   1-2 Dan
    1st place - H. Koob, Bellevue        1st place - J. Yamauchi, Cascade
    2nd place - A. Mabale, Seattle       2nd place - B. Park, Bellevue
    3rd place - P. Jewett, Spokane       3rd place - J. Higa, UW
    3rd place - J. Yu, Northwest         3rd place - S. Sinclair, Spokane
    13 to 15 Years (Jr C)                3-4 Dan
    1st place - T. Miyamoto, Northwest   1st place - K. Yoshida, Everett
    2nd place - T. Koob, Bellevue        2nd place - B. Imanishi, Cascade
    3rd place - Kei Underhill, Northwest 3rd place - I. Morgan, Kent
    3rd place - SA Wetlesen, Obukan      3rd place - T. Marsten, Kent
                                         4th place - S. Day, Kent
    Women                                4th place - T. Imanishi, Cascade
    1st place - K. McManus, Kent         4th place - D. Huynh, Seattle
    2nd place - M. Suzuki, Sno-King      4th place - M. Suzuki, Sno-King
    3rd place - E. DeJong, Highline
    3rd place - B. Park, Bellevue
    4 Kyu and Under
    1st place - H. Su, Bellevue
    2nd place - T. Elliott, Spokane
    3rd place - K. McIntosh, Federal Way
    3rd place - B. Yorker, Kent
    Junior Team
    1st place - Northwest (J. Yu, N. Underhill, Kei Underhill, T. Ting, T. Miyamoto)
    2nd place - Cascade (DV Chung, D. Terao, A. Fukuda, C. Baker, D. Chung)
    3rd place - Seattle (A. Mabale, S. Wetlesen, A. Fung, F. Mabale, K. Hale)
    3rd place - Federal Way (E. Corcoro-Marx, M. Day, S. Lee, I. Lee, J. Kim)
    Senior Team
    1st place - Kent Red (I. Morgan, K. McManus, S. Day, M. Yoneda, T. Marsten)
    2nd place - Seattle (L. Durkan, A. Yen, D. Huynh, S. Guidi, M. Mabale)
    3rd place - Bellevue (A. Kojima, M. Blechschmidt, B. Park, E. DeJong, L. Tsybert)
    3rd place - Sno-King (D. Lew, T. Patana, A. Zee, M. Suzuki, CJ Chaney)
    Sportsmanship Pledge - Keeley McManus
    Head Shinpan  - Curtis Marsten


    AUSKF KENDO KODANSHA SHINSA, November 12, 2017, Athletic Club Northeast, Atlanta, Georgia

    6TH DAN:

    Elizabeth Marsten, (PNKF).

    PNKF JODO SHINSA, December 10, 2017, Mitchell Activity Center, Seattle Central College, Seattle

    1ST KYU: Abigail Benoit (Tonbo), Duane Benoit (Tonbo), Robert Neff (Tonbo), Thomas Valencia (Yamakage Dojo
    SWKIF), David Zambrano (Hoshu).


    May 2004, marked the 100th Anniversary of Butoku Kai. I cannot travel any longer, and most of my
    classmates are gone. Yet after all these years, I remember each word of our school song. It was composed
    by Yabe Osamu of Ehime Prefecture, a student of the twenty-first graduating class in l935.

        Kanmu no Mikado itsu kimasu
        Miyai wa chikaki manabiya ni
        Yamato gokoro wo iya migaku
        Kore zo Busen no hokori naru
        Meiyo Renchi wo inochi to shi
        Shitsu Jitsu Koken Mune to shite
        Hibi ni isoshimu shuyo wa
        Warera kenji no tsutome zoya
        Tagai ni kitou tetsu wan ni
        Fukutsu no chisho atsuku moe
        Yama o mo nukan sono iki wa
        Hiroku Tenka wo doyomosan

    The rough translation of the three verses is:

        I'm proud to be learning and polishing
        my Yamato gokuro Japanese spirit
        at Busen, this institute of higher learning
        located near the Heian Jingu shrine.
        This is Busens pride.
        It is our duty to diligently and vigorously train daily
        to forge and temper our bodies and spirit
        together with honor, grace and simplicity.
        The world will sense that we have a tremendous force
        that never quits, the power to move mountains
        that will result in calming the world.

    I sang our school song in Japanese for my few remaining classmates at Busen, and recorded it on videotape.
    In that way, despite all the years in the United States, I am with them as they celebrate and grieve, for
    I am Japanese in spirit even though I know a wider world and love the plumeria and gentle breezes of my
    boyhood in Hawaii as well as the cherry blossom.

    Last Days at Busen

    I lived day by day and waited for the inevitable day I would leave Busen to report to the army. I didn’t
    feel disloyal or even conflicted about serving in the Japanese army. To me it was just another war between
    two countries. Neither my classmates nor the Japanese authorities questioned whether I was loyal to the
    United States or Japan, even though I had dual citizenship. However, my Hawaiian background was likely
    responsible for the government deciding not to send me to Tokyo to become an officer like my classmates.
    Thus I never fought directly or in the Pacific Theater. My Hawaiian background likely saved my life.

    Discussions with my classmates were not abstract. When we ate together or had a few minutes of spare time,
    we would celebrate, drink sake and talk Kendo. But Kendo talk was specific: how clever it had been to
    divert a kote hit by a feint and win with a men hit. The superior player opens and is missed only by
    inches when he goes for the men; he has to be very fast or be defeated at the kote or do.

    Kendo training is about action, not thinking; thinking requires time and distance from the practice. When
    training, there is no room to think about yesterday or tomorrow, just this cut and that cut. When
    fighting, thinking will kill you. Despite the books written about Kendo and other martial arts, words can
    only delude us into, at best, partial understanding. There is “comprehension” that one cannot put into
    words. We practice and that is educating the body in action. Miyamoto Musashi wrote that “you must study
    this well” as he writes about methods, but always associates the “study” with comments such as: “You
    must train hard to understand it” and “With detailed practice you should be able to understand it.”
    Yes, listen, reflect and study but it requires physical practice; with enough “doing” the Do may become
    part of you.

    So at Busen there was no time for book “study” of Kendo. Our “study” of Kendo was to watch, do, and do
    over and over again, training our body to have “muscle memory”. Reflection is a part of Budo. It would
    come, if ever, later. In fact, about 50 years later for me.

    So even though I don’t recall political discussion about going to war, I do remember my going away party.
    We knew where I was going, and that those remaining would be following soon. In fact, mine was the last
    party where a group could be gathered for a solitary send-off; the remaining students left en masse. So it
    was a grand celebration! We laughed and played and ate and drank until we were literally rolling on the
    floor, falling down laughing and dizzy with sake.

    –Rod Nobuto Omoto, Autobiography, edited by Charlotte Omoto, 2014, p. 30-32.
    Available as free download at


    Kenyu – Monthly Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation
    Tom Bolling, Editor – 7318 23rd Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98115

Posted in Kenyu

Kenyu – July/August/September/October 2017

Volume 31, number 7/8/9/10

July/August/September/October 2017


October 2017

  • 10/21: Tacoma Taikai
    • 9:30am Opening Ceremonies (doors open at 8:30am), Curtis High School,
      8425 40th Street West, University Place, WA 98466.

November 2017

  • 11/4: PNKF Taikai, Sat, 9:30am,525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 11/11-12: AUSKF Board and Kodansha Shinsa, Sat/Sun, TBD.
  • 11/18: PNKF Board, Sat, 9-11am, St Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1610 S King St, Seattle, WA 98144.

December 2017

  • 12/2: Kent Taikai, Sat, report time 9am, start 9:30am, Kentwood High School, 25800 164th Avenue SE, Covington, WA.
  • 12/10: PNKF Jodo Shinsa, Sat, 11:30am, 1st Kyu only, Mitchell Activity Center,
    Seattle Central College, 1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122.

January 2018

  • 1/6-7: Iaidaho 2018, Sat 12:noon-5pm/Sun 10am-2:30pm, Iaido Seminar, on Seitei topics,
    competition, group enbu, and shinsa, Boise State University, Kinesiology Gym, Boise.
    Kendo Fri 1/5, 6:30-8pm, West Boise YMCA.

February 2018

  • 2/10-11: FIK America Zone Kendo Referee Seminar, Sat/Sun, Centre sportifETS, 1111 Notre-Dame
    Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

June 2018

  • 6/4: AUSKF Iaido Camp will be held on the campus of the University of Utah in
    Salt Lake City, Utah on May 31 – June 4, 2018.

September 2018

  • 9/14-16: 17WKC, Fri/Sat/Sun, Incheon, Korea.


For over a year, the Board has been working hard to forge new By Laws for the PNKF. Finally, at
their July 22, 2017 meeting, the Articles of Amendment and the Restated Article of Incorporation were
approved. As a result, this fall the composition of the Board will reflect the changes, and we are
using a new process for Board Member nominations. PNKF Clubs with permanent status having 10-30
members may appoint one individual to the Board, while Clubs with 30 or more members may appoint two
individuals. Club representation count is based upon each Club’s membership as of September 1, 2017.
Each Club has been sent notification requesting their selected Board Members, as well as outlining
the process for selection of five at-large Members. Requested response date is October 28, 2017. At
the November 18, 2017 Board meeting, the new Board will vote for five Members at large from the pool
of nominees. Then the new Board, including the five at-large Members, will elect Officers for the
new fiscal year of 2017-2018.

USNF 17th CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT AND 1st PANAMERICAN MATCH, July 29, 2017, Sonoma State University

Dangai Engi                                         Yudansha Engi
1st place - Xinyuan Lai/Yuki Nishimura, NCKF        1st place - Shannon Lew/Andrew Hong, SCNF
2nd place - Karl Spargur/David Huynh, NCKF          2nd place - Kei Tsukamaki/Karen Schmucker
3rd place - Simon Wan/Alex Lin, GNYNF               3rd place - Josh Sloan/Frank DiMarco, RMNF

Zen Nihon Naginata no Kata                          Dangai Women's Individuals
1st place - Bryce Harrop/Chris Coppeans, PNNF       1st place - Yuki Nishimura,NCNF
2nd place - Andrew Hong/Shannon Lew, SCNF           2nd place - Amy Coppeans, PNNF
3rd place - Karen Schmucker/Kei Tsukamaki, PNNF     3rd place - Michelle You, PNNF

Dangai Men's Individuals                            Yudansha Women's Individuals
1st place - Alex Lin, GNYNF                         1st place - Katie Roche, GNYNF
2nd place - Xinyuan Lai, NCNF                       2nd place - Andrea Vyas, RMNF
3rd place - David Huynh, NCNF                       3rd place - Emily Ewen, ECNF

Yudansha Men's Individuals                          Women's Team
1st place - Axel Noorman, ECNF                      1st place - Pacific Northwest Naginata Federation
2nd place - Ruben Ramirez, SCNF                     2nd place - Greater New York Naginata Federation
3rd place - Saiyou Ohshima, NCNF                    3rd place - Southern California Naginata Federation

Men's Team
1st place - Pacific Northwest Naginata Federation
2nd place - Greater New York Naginata Federation
3rd place - Northern California Naginata Federation

PanAm Match Women                                   PanAm Match Men
Winners                                             Winners
Yuki Nishimura, NCNF                                Andrew Boyd, CNF
Veronica Gunawan, NCNF                              Alan McDougall, CNF
Manon Dozois, CNF                                   C.L. Chen, GNYNF
Mary Phan, CNF                                      Eduardo Pereira, BNA
Jenny Bernot, SCNF                                  Bryce Harrop, PNNF
Tomomi Hasegawa, BNA                                Antoine Fromentin, CNF
Kaori Kubo, CNF

10th ANNUAL PNKF IAIDO TAIKAI – September 22, 2017, Rain City Fencing Center, Bellevue, Washington

Mudansha                                  Yudansha 1-2 Dan
1st place - S. Horita, Musokai            1st place - G. Pillei, AiShinKai
2nd place - K. Duong, Musokai             2nd place - K. Tekin, Norwalk
3rd place - M. Barlow, Musokai            3rd Place - V. Whitman, Seattle
3rd place - N. Varma, Seattle             3rd Place - Joe Cabrera, Palo Alto

Yudansha 3-4 Dan (Noguchi Cup)            Teams (Murosako Cup)
1st place - H. Fukumoto, Seattle          1st place - Musokai B (G. Goerlitz, S. Horita, K. Duong)
2nd place - C. Parkins, Renma             2nd place - Musokai A (L. Miyauchi, G. Pillei, M. Barlow)
3rd place - B. Blomquist, Everett
3rd place - C. Goeke, Renma


PNKF KENDO SHINSA, July 9, 2017, Boise, Idaho

5TH KYU: Ryley Leach (RMKIF). 4TH KYU: Amanda Ellers (SWKIF0, Avery Grubbs (Idaho),
Taisei Summerhays (RMKIF), Jacob Velasco (SWKIF). 3RD KYU: Nathan Grubbs (Idaho), Tyler
Morris (RMKIF). 1ST DAN: Carlos Mutates (Idaho), Tyler Peterson (Idaho). 2ND DAN:
Eric Marquart (Idaho). 3RD DAN: Wesley Horn (Idaho), Jonathan Kaufman (Portland), Jeff Lamb
(Spokane), Ken Tawara (Idaho), Ireneo Rodriguez Torres (Mexico). 4TH DAN: Ronald Sentany
(SWKIF), Christopher Tilt (Portland).

USNF NAGINATA SHINSA, July 30, 2017, Sonoma State University

1ST DAN: Andrew Boyd (CNF), David Huynh (NCNF), Xinyuan Lai (NCNF), Adam Lew (SCNF), Alan
McDougall (CNF), Marie-Angelique Metzger (SCNF), Wolfgang Metzger (SCNF), Michelle You (PNNF).
2ND DAN: Yves Crepeau (CNF), C.L. Chen (GNYNF), Jessica Espinosa (ECNF), Richard Metzger
(SCNF), Rebecca Pomeroy (ECNF), Talanda Williams (NCNF, Grace Wu (SCNF). 3RD DAN: Johanne
Chalifour (CNF), Manon Dozois (CNF), Axel Noorman (ECNF), Eduardo Pereira (BNA), Rytis Prekeris
(RMNF). 4TH DAN: Chris Coppeans (PNNF), Sasha Corchado (GNYNF), Frank DiMarco (RMNF), Bryce
Harrop (PNNF), Juan Hernandez (SCNF), Andrew Hong (SCNF), Saiyou Ohshima (NCNF), Antoni Rossi (SCNF),
Kelsey Shamrell-Harrington (PNNF).

AUSKF KENDO KODANSHA SHINSA, August 6, 2017, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan

5TH DAN: Julie Chen (PNKF).

PNKF IAIDO SHINSA, August 12, 2017, Kent

3RD KYU: Abigail Benoit (Tonbo), Duane Benoit (Tonbo), Zehran Li (Musokai). 2ND KYU:
Nikhil Varma (Seattle), Nicodemus Edwin Widjonarko (Obukan). 1ST KYU: Adam Clark (AiShinKai),
Khoi Duong (Kent), Donald Wentworth (Tonbo). 2ND DAN: Thane Mittelstaedt (AiShinKai), Ken
Tawara (Idaho). 3RD DAN: Christopher Parkins (RenMa).

PNKF KENDO SHINSA, August 12, 2017, Kent

6TH KYU: Madeleine Day (Kent), Owen Frederick (Northwest), Ezra Corcoro Marx (Federal Way),
Kenjiro Maxfield-Matsumoto (Highline). 5TH KYU: Juah Paik (Tacoma), Hoeun Son (Federal Way),
Dan Terao (Cascade). 4TH KYU: Carolyn Baker (Cascade), Nicholas Chu (Bellevue), Devin Chung
(Cascade), Teo Dage (Bellevue), Justin Davis (Northwest), Brandi Heyer (Edmonds), Matthew Hutchins
(Seattle), Daniel Kao (Tacoma), Sean Kim (Seattle), Ian Krupp (Cascade), Takakazu Maxfield-Matsumoto
(Highline), Krystal McIntosh (Federal Way), Matt Miyamoto (Northwest), Taiki Miyamoto (Northwest),
Emilio Peralta (Obukan), Maro Sciacchitano (Portland), Alec Yuen (Seattle). 3RD KYU: Robin
Allen (Portland), Bruce Alter (Portland), Aidan Chervin (Portland), Danny Chung (Cascade), James
Fadell (Portland), Raymond Fish (Edmonds), Leo Gao (UW) Kyle Hale (Seattle), Chizuko Heyer (Edmonds),
Daniel Heyer (Edmonds), Allyson Hinzman (Tacoma), Yeh Seo Jung (Portland), Hana Koob (Bellevue),
Isabella Lee (Federal Way), Jierong James Lee (UW), Laura Ohata (Bellevue), Neo Smith (Bellevue),
Royce Sessions (Tacoma), Abigail Tan (UW), Sun Terao (Cascade), Kassidy Ting (Northwest), Timaeus
Ting (Northwest), Nikhil Varma (Seattle), Jacob Weese (UW), William Wellborn (Bellevue), Anthony
Yorita (UW). 2ND KYU: Kamia Acoba (Everett), Victor Blancarte (Sno-King), James Faulkner
(Edmonds), Kiana (Ai) Fukuda (Cascade), Kyle Fukuda (Cascade), Hyunjun Jang (Cascade), Jin Ho Jeon
(Bellevue), Raymond Kao (Tacoma), Eugene Kim (Seattle), Kasey Kitchel (Sno-King), Daniel Lee
(Tacoma), Simon Lee (Federal Way), Elysia Midorikawa (UW), Jason Nguyen (UW), Poul Nichols (Edmonds),
Timothy Okamura (Bellevue), Joshua Paik (Tacoma), Catherine Park (Bellevue), Jonah Redaja (Edmonds),
Blake Sprenger (Obukan), Francis Walsh (UW), Fred Wang (UW), Shota Wetlesen (Obukan), Nicodemus Edwin
Widjonarko (Obukan). 1ST KYU: Eric Bortz (Alaska), Hien Katayama (Edmonds), Evan Kriechbaum
(Portland), Michizane Ohata (Bellevue), Young-ki Paik (Tacoma), Chi Pak (Portland), Edward Park
(Sno-King), Shun Wetlesen (Obukan), Victor Whitman (Seattle), Donna Wilson (Seattle), Binah Yeung
(Seattle). 1ST DAN: Drake Imanishi (Seattle), David Nash (Edmonds), Bryant Pae (Northwest).
2ND DAN: Clyde Bailey (Portland), Maya Blechschmidt (Bellevue), Kenneth Gordon (Obukan),
Soo-Hyung Kim (Seattle), Sadako Markle (Idaho), Keeley McManus (Kent), Andrew Miller (Portland),
Stephen Ting (Northwest), Andrew Yuen (Seattle). 3RD DAN: Jennifer DeJong (Highline), Laurel
Durkan (Seattle), Jongwon Lee (Portland), Maina Oya (Northwest), Dan Park (Bellevue). 4TH
Paul Gattone (SWKIF Tucson), Yoshihito Kanamori (Alaska), Lei Yu (Northwest).

BCKF/PNKF JODO SHINSA, August 19, 2017, Justice Institute of BC, Vancouver, BC

1ST KYU: Michael Harris (Tonbo), Jessica Hilliam (Hoshu Vancouver), James Jerrard (Calgary
Iaido), Josh MacDonald (Calgary Iaido). 1ST DAN: Rhona Mae Arca (Calgary Iaido), Roy Gawlick
(Hoshu Vancouver), Elena Kay (Calgary Iaido), Ronen Totonchi (Everett). 2ND DAN: Denis Boko
(Hoshu Vancouver), Kathleen Jorgensen (Tonbo), Keith Simpson (Calgary Iaido), Bruce Vail (Hoshu
Seattle). 3RD DAN: Brian Blomquist (Everett), Hiroaki Fukumoto (Seattle), Gao Gaitian (Hoshu
Vancouver), Jeffrey Kamo (Hoshu Vancouver), Kathleen Newcomer (Tonbo), Michael Park (Hoshu


My father always considered himself Japanese. During the War he was
threatened with prison. But not for long. My five sisters were nurses and their contributions were
needed desperately in the hospitals filled with wounded soldiers. They threatened to quit if he were
jailed. Their nursing skills trumped any perceived threat from my father and he returned home. His
longing for Japan, and to die in his homeland, was finally realized after the War when he returned to
his ancestral lands in Kure, leaving my mother behind. He lived there until he died at the age of 79.
In Japan, when a man went to war, it was assumed he would die, not that he “might” die. That is
something to ponder well, so I’ll say it again: “In Japan, when a man went to war, it was assumed he
would die.” The samurai warrior of old considered himself already dead, so he could be clear and
calm. Because I am a human being, I will die, but because I am a human being, like all human beings,
I don’t want to die. I don’t know when or under what circumstances I will die, but as I was a
soldier, I knew I would likely die sooner rather than later. This is a fact, “mono no aware” the
realization of being human. This is an acceptance. I accepted my fate, and when death came, I would
die with honor. That was part of being a traditional Japanese, and Busen was certainly traditional.
It is said that the sword and the brush – and the cherry blossom – reflect the soul of Japan. This is
a soul that is reflective of nature that all that live must die, but that while living, life can be
contemplative, discerning and beautiful. These natural qualities form the ideals of martial arts
which emphasizes skill but also wisdom, harmony and serenity. This is “Yamato” (Japan) “Damashi”
(soul). “Yamato Damashi” is difficult to explain. It is a term indicative of the people’s will. It is
the fighting spirit of the Japanese soldier. But it is not just a fighting spirit. It is part of the
great soul of the people, tied to the very origins of the Japanese. When I was at Busen, Yamato
Damashi spirit was very much alive. The Emperor was the spiritual head of Japan. Japanese believed
the Emperor was descended from the gods through unbroken line of descent and many could cite the
whole lineage. No one questioned any sacrifice required by the gods or the Emperor. Like a father,
the people were “his people” and his love for his people and theirs for him was sacred. As a Japanese
son would not disobey his father, so the Japanese people would not disobey their Emperor. But the
Yamato Damashi is hard to define. Thus, if I am pushed for a definition, my response would be a
comparison to the cherry blossom. It blooms abundantly for a brief moment, and then flutters down
with no regret. That is how the brave Japanese should be:

    Shikishima no
    Yamato gokoro wo hito towaba
    Asahi ni niou
    Yama zakura kana
    Asked what a Japanese heart is,
    just say it is like the fragrance in the morning sun
    of the mountain cherry blossom Long after the War, in 1998, I received a letter from Tomano 

Kenzan (Keitaro), a famous artist in Osaka, who recalled the story of an Australian Navy General. The
General gave a memorial service, from a podium draped with an Australian flag, for a brave Japanese
soldier who had tried to bomb an Australian warship from a suicide submarine. The General spoke with
the mother of the soldier, and was moved by the bravery of the young man, even though he was the
enemy, and even more by the bravery of his mother who assumed her son would die. He learned a lesson,
he said, from the enemy and began to understand much of the Japanese spirit from Mother Matsue’s
bittersweet waka, a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable poem:

    Kimi ga tame
    Shine to sodateshi
    Hana naredo
    Arashi no ato no
    Niwa sabishi kere
    For the Emperor,
    raised you to die
    like a cherry blossom
    yet after the storm
    how lonesome my yard

–Rod Nobuto Omoto, Autobiography, edited by Charlotte Omoto, 2014, p. 29-30.
Available as free download at


Kenyu – Monthly Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation
Tom Bolling, Editor – 7318 23rd Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98115

Tom Bolling’s home page

Posted in Kenyu

Kenyu – April/May/June 2017

Volume 31, number 4/5/6

April/May/June 2017


July 2017

  • 7/6-9: 10th US Nito Seminar and Shinsa, Thu-Mon, Boise State University,
    Rec Center Main Gym, 1515 University Drive, Boise, Idaho.

  • 7/22: PNKF Board, Sat, 9-11am, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

August 2017

  • 8/12: PNKF Shinsa, Sat, Iaido 9am-12noon; Kendo 12:30-4pm, open keiko 4-5pm,
    525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

September 2017

  • 9/11-9/16: Renbu 40th Anniversary week-long series of practices and seminars, Mon-Sat,
    featuring Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan Takamitsu Iwamoto, Head Sensei, Beppu University,
    Meiho High School, and Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan Arimitsu Kawakami, Assistant Head Sensei,
    Kokushikan University, and other guest sensei, various venues TBD in and around Vancouver, BC,
    all ages and levels invited, costs TBD.

  • 9/16: PNKF Board, Sat, 3-5pm, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 9/22-9/24: PNKF Iaido Seminar, Fri/Sat/Sun.
    • Rain City Fencing, 1776 136th Place NE, Bellevue. Teachers: Iaido Kyoshi 8th Dan Hideo Noguchi;
      and Iaido Kyoshi 7th Dan Shigehiro Aoki and Kaoru Suzuki.

    • Schedule: Fri, 7-9pm Jodo/Iaido; Sat, 9am-5pm Iaido; Sun 9am-12noon Iaido Tournament; 1-5pm Iaido.

October 2017

  • 10/7: PNKF Shinpan Seminar, 11:30am-5pm, open keiko 4-5pm, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 10/21: Tacoma Taikai
    • 9:30am Opening Ceremonies (doors open at 8:30am), Curtis High School,
      8425 40th Street West, University Place, WA 98466.

November 2017

  • 11/4: PNKF Taikai, Sat, 9:30am, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 11/11-12: AUSKF Board and Kodansha Shinsa, Sat/Sun, TBD.
  • 11/18: PNKF Board, Sat, 9-11am, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

December 2017

  • 12/9: Kent Taikai, Sat, report time 9am, start 9:30am, 525 4th Avenue N.
    (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

  • 12/10: PNKF Jodo Shinsa, Sat, 11:30am, 1st Kyu only, Mitchell Activity Center, Seattle Central College, 1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122.

September 2018

  • 9/14-16: 17WKC, Fri/Sat/Sun, Incheon, Korea.


Women's                                0-4 Kyu
1st place - W. Robillard, Steveston    1st place - B. Pae, Northwest
2nd place - E. DeJong, UW              2nd place - L. Gao, UW
3rd place - E. Marsten, Highline       3rd place - M. Eum, UW
3rd place - B. Lin, UW                 3rd place - A. Rossi, Spokane

3-1 Kyu                                1-2 Dan
1st place - K. Toyokawa, Tacoma        1st place - S. O'Sullivan, Steveston
2nd place - H. Jang, Cascade           2nd place - K. McManus, Kent
3rd place - K. Fukuda, Cascade         3rd place - P. Lin, Bellevue
3rd place - T. Fukuda, Cascade         3rd place - K. Muramatsu, Renfrew

3 Dan                                  4 Dan and Above
1st place - R. Kuki, UBC               1st place - N. Nakano, Steveston
2nd place - T. Okitsu, Tozenji         2nd place - M. Rose, Renfrew
3rd place - C. Ruiz, Spokane           3rd place - V. Vulfson, Northwest
3rd place - S. DeNardi, Spokane        3rd place - B. Imanishi, Cascade

1st place - PNKF Men (J. Yamauchi, R. Lei, N. Tanimura, C. Ruiz, B. Imanishi)
2nd place - Bellevue (R. Takaishi, P. Lin, L. Tsybert, J. Jeon, S. Blechschmidt)

Taikai Chair - Sue Vanasouk
Head Shinpan - David Yotsuuye
Sportsmanship Pledge - Minari Omura
UW Most Improved - Jason Nguyen
Kazuo and Tomo Shoji Inspirational Award - Sue Vanasouk

16th NABESHIMA CUP TAIKAI and 10th TEXAS OPEN TAIKAI – April 22, 2017, Greenhill School Phillips Gymnasium, Addison

Women's Division                          Mudansha Division
1st place - Yebin Chae, Houston           1st place - Massim Shah, DFWKIK
2nd place - Alexandra Darrah, Houston     2nd place - Marc Hakim, Tuscon
3rd place - Ma Denise Verastigue, DFWKIK  3rd place - Israel Martinez, Nuevo Laredo
3rd place - Minjeong Park, Houston        3rd place - Nguyen Ly, DFWKIK
 Kantosho - Sol (Joanne) Hong, DFWKIK      Kantosho - Hogan Choi, DFWKIK
            Elizabeth Pesek, Salinas                  Vivian Bentley, ZenBuKan

Yudansha Division                         Texas Open
1st place - Andrew Takahashi, New Orleans 1st place - Koki Masuo, Austin
2nd place - Allan Azurin, Houston         2nd place - Takuro Yamaoka, Omaha
3rd place - Nathan Williams, DFWKIK       3rd place - Makiko Adachi, 
3rd place - Jonah Wu, Arkansas            3rd place - Katsuhei Yoshioka, Houston
 Kantosho - Mike Sentany, Arkansas         Kantosho - Carlos Guerra, Houston
            Jake Dupre, New Orleans

51st ANNUAL VANCOUVER KENDO TOURNAMENT – May 13, 2017, Byrne Creek Secondary School, Burnaby

9 Years and Under                  10 to 12 Years                       13 to 15 Years
1st place - N. Son, Renbu          1st place - C. Robillard, Steveston  1st place - KG Underhill, PNKF
2nd place - D. Buckham, UVic       2nd place - K. Yoshimura, Renbu      2nd place - KJ Underhill, PNKF
3rd place - T. Okurano, Youshinkan 3rd place - R. Cho, Renbu            3rd place - A. Son, Renbu
3rd place - F. Benson, Youshinkan  3rd place - H. Homma, Renbu          3rd place - B. Miki, Steveston

16 to 20 Years                     21 to 30 Years                       31 to 40 Years
1st place - T. Marsten, PNKF       1st place - E. Kita, Renbu           1st place - M. Rose, Renfrew
2nd place - A. Lee, Vancouver      2nd place - T. Hamanaka, Tozenji     2nd place - R. Atagi, PNKF
3rd place - E. Lee, Renbu          3rd place - Y. Chen, UBC             3rd place - C. Ruiz, PNKF
3rd place - H. Shim, Renbu         3rd place - E. Chang, UBC            3rd place - W. Blades, Renfrew

41 Years and Over                    Women
1st place - I. Miki, Steveston       1st place - M. Ara, Renbu
2nd place - S. Day, Kent             2nd place - H. Yamada, Vancouver
3rd place - W. Wong, Steveston       3rd place - N. Fukushima, Vancouver
3rd place - K. Iwai, Steveston       3rd place - F. Ho, JCCC

Junior Team                          Senior Team
1st place - PNKF                     1st place - Renbu
2nd place - Renbu B                  2nd place - Vancouver

Fighting Spirit Awards 
L. Murao, Steveston
K. McManus, PNKF

27th ANNUAL BELLEVUE JUNIOR TAIKAI – May 20, 2017, Bellevue

10 Years and Under                          11 to 12 Years                 13 to 14 Years
1st place - K. Maxfield-Matsumoto, Highline 1st place - A. Mabale, Seattle 1st place - J. Kim, Federal Way
2nd place - N. Chu, Bellevue                2nd place - J. Koob, Bellevue  2nd place - K. Underhill, Northwest
3rd place - Sean Kim, Seattle               3rd place - J. Paik, Tacoma    3rd place - K. Honda, Cascade
3rd place - J. Yu, Northwest                3th place - E. Kim, Seattle    3rd place - K. Takamatsu, Bellevue

High School Girls                     High School Boys
1st place - J. DeJong, Highline       1st place - T. Marsten, Kent
2nd place - B. Park, Bellevue         2nd place - K. Underhill, Northwest
3rd place - A. Kojima, Bellevue       3rd place - M. Ohata, Bellevue
3rd place - J. Higa, Bellevue         3rd place - K. Fukuda, Cascade

Junior Teams
1st place - Northwest (J. Yu, K. Underhill, T. Ting, D. Terao, K. Honda)
2nd place - Bellevue Red (L. Ohata, H. Koob, K. Takamatsu, M. Tawara, T. Dage)

High School Teams
1st place - Bellevue (B. Park, J. Higa, J. DeJong)
2nd place - Kent (K. McManus, K. Acoba, T. Marsten)
Head Shinpan - D. Yotsuuye;
Taikai Co-Chairs - Allison Kojima and Betty Park;
National Anthem - Leo Ohata;
Competitors' Pledge - Jane Higa;
Master of Ceremonies - CJ Chaney;
Awesome Spirit Award - Kenji Maxfield-Matsumoto, Highline.  

2017 ROSE CITY TAIKAI – June 10, 2017, Portland Community College Cascade Campus

Women                                  Juniors 9 and Under
1st place - J. Frazier-Day, Kent       1st place - J. Chang, Kogakukan
2nd place - V. Le, Obukan              2nd place - K. Maxfield-Matsumoto, Highline
3rd place - E. Marsten, Highline       3rd place - L. Chen, Oakland
3rd place - K. McManus, Kent           3rd place - C. Chai, Kogakukan

Juniors 10-12                          Juniors 13-15
1st place - A. Yuen, Seattle           1st place - J. Kim, Federal Way
2nd place - T. Choi, Kogakukan         2nd place - T. Miyamoto, Northwest
3rd place - D. Chung, Cascade          3rd place - K. Underhill, Northwest
3rd place - J. Choi, Kogakukan         3rd place - S. Wetlesen, Obukan

Juniors 16-18                          0-4 Kyu
1st place - B. Park, Bellevue          1st place - K. McIntosh, Federal Way
2nd place - J. DeJong, Highline        2nd place - A. Rossi, Spokane
3rd place - S. Wetlesen, Obukan        3rd place - G. Montoya, Spokane
3rd place - K. Underhill, Northwest    3rd place - E. Peralta, Obukan

3-1 Kyu                                1-2 Dan
1st place - V. Blancarte, Sno-King     1st place - T. McManus, Kent
2nd place - T. Fukuda, Cascade         2nd place - K. McManus, Kent
3rd place - T. Peterson, Idaho         3rd place - V. Le, Obukan
3rd place - C. Pak, Portland           3rd place - J. Yamauchi, Cascade

3 Dan                                  4 Dan and Above
1st place - R. Takaishi, Bellevue      1st place - B. Imanishi, Cascade
2nd place - C. Ruiz, Spokane           2nd place - G. Suzaka, Seattle
3rd place - T. Marsten, Kent           3rd place - E. Marsten, Highline
3rd place - J. Lamb, Spokane           3rd place - B. Atagi, Idaho

Junior Teams
1st place - Northwest (T. Miyamoto, K. Underhill, T. Ting)
2nd place - Federal Way (S. Lee, A. Yuan, J. Kim)
3rd place - Oakland (M. Day, V. Chen, L. Chen)
3rd place - Bellevue (I. DeBlieck, A. Nagai, L. Ohata)

Senior Teams
1st place - Kent (I. Morgan, K. McManus, S. Day, T. McManus, T. Marsten)
2nd place - Portland A (A. Jantrania, C. Tilt, G. Nakayama, N. Cook, E. Woln)
3rd place - PNKF Women A (T. Imanishi, J. Chen, M. DeJong, E. Marsten, J. Frazier-Day)
3rd place - Seattle (D. Imanishi, A. Yuen, G. Suzaka, V. Whittman, A. Yen)
Head Shinpan - Doug Imanishi; Competitors' Pledge - Blake Sprenger; Master of Ceremonies - Van Le

AUSKF 2017 IAIDO CHAMPIONSHIP – June 11, 2017, Bryn Mawr

0-2 Kyu Mudansha                           Murakami Cup 1 Kyu and 1 Dan
1st place - Feng Wang, Mushinkan SWUSKIF   1st place - Helene Cousin, Sei Zan Kan AEUSKF
2nd place - Phil Sevin, ZenBuKan RMKIF     2nd place - Michael Schuldt, Agassiz MWKF
3rd place - Joseph Costa, Ittokai AEUSKF   3rd place - Thane Mittelstaedt, AiShinKai PNKF
3rd place - Adam Sandor, Agassiz MWKF      3rd place - Nathan Williams, DFWKIK SWUSKIF
 Kantosho - Ritchard Higham, Ken-Zen AEUSKF Kantosho - Kevin Huang, Shidogakui Rutgers GNEUSKF

Murosako Cup 2 Dan and 3 Dan               Yamaguchi Cup 4 Dan and Above
1st place - John Mullin, Ken-Zen AEUSKF    1st place - Debi Farmer, Shidogakuin NY GNEUSKF
2nd place - Kevin Thibedeau, Ken-Zen AEUSKF2nd place - Jonathan Corum, Nichibukan EUSKF
3rd place - Callie Goeke, Ren Ma PNKF      3rd place - Aram Kailian Shicogakuin NY GNEUSKF
3rd place - David Dudek, Ken-Zen AEUSKF    3rd place - Jason Hankins, ZenBuKan RMKIF
 Kantosho - Orsolya Kiss, Cleveland GNEUSKF Kantosho - Joe Sheldon, River City SUSKIF

7th AUSKF JUNIOR OPEN NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS – June 22, 2017, Independence High School, San Jose, California

9 Years and Under                      10-11 Years
1st place - Akimasa Hotta, ECUSKF      1st place - Taiyo Ariga, SCKO
2nd place - Joshua Koines, SCKO        2nd place - McCartney Hong, NCKF
3rd place - Joshua Hong, AEUSKF        3rd place - Takahide Katayama, ECUSKF
3rd place - Euvene Kae, WKF            3rd place - Peter Yu, SCKF
 Kantosho - Ren Fujimoto, MWKF          Kantosho - Kyle Sakai, SCKO
 Kantosho - Mai Sakamoto, SCKO          Kantosho - Ryosuke Yamamoto, SCKO
 Kantosho - So Imura, SCKO              Kantosho - Taisho Shiono, SCKF
 Kantosho - Yuta Onitsuka, NCKF         Kantosho - Misaki Matsunaga, ECUSKF

12-13 Years                            14-15 Years
1st place - Tomohide Katayama, ECUSKF  1st place - Paul Ikeda, NCKF
2nd place - Dave Nam, SCKF             2nd place - Koji Ishimori, SEUSKF
3rd place - Haru Sakamoto, SCKO        3rd place - Riki Okawa, SCKO
3rd place - Eugene Kae, WKF            3rd place - Sean Hsu, SCKO
 Kantosho - Andrew Kang, SCKF           Kantosho - Tylor Wang, WKF
 Kantosho - Daniel Jung, SEUSKF         Kantosho - Bryan Yoo, WKF
 Kantosho - Yosuke Takubo, SCKF         Kantosho - Benjamin Hur, SCKF
 Kantosho - Akira Fujiwara, SCKO        Kantosho - Ethan Chen, NCKF

16-18 Years                            13 Years and Under Girls
1st place - Gen Takahashi, SCKO        1st place - Daphne Chen, SCKF
2nd place - Masahiro Muramatsu, EUSKF  2nd place - Grace Huh, SCKF
3rd place - Tyler Barrone, MWKF        3rd place - Sarah Kang, SEUSKF
3rd place - Hiroshi Kiuchi, SCKO       3rd place - Yewon Chae, SEUSKF
 Kantosho - Teruya Mochizuki, ECUSFK    Kantosho - Naomi Yu, SCKF
 Kantosho - Ian Kotake, SCKO            Kantosho - Minami Matsunaga, ECUSKF
 Kantosho - Koji Tohmon, NCKF           Kantosho - Yui Koyama, AEUSKF
 Kantosho - Brenden Wang, WKF           Kantosho - Catherine Ikeda, NCKF

14-18 Years Girls
1st place - Takino Morishima, SEUSKF
2nd place - Seyeon Park, NCKF
3rd place - Emi Ichimura, NCKF
3rd place - Colleen Fan, NCKF
 Kantosho - Taery Kim, SCKF
 Kantosho - Ririka Satoh, SCKF
 Kantosho - Keeley McManus, PNKF
 Kantosho - Manami Matsunaga, ECUSKF

Youth Team               Girls Team              Boys Team
1st place - SCKO A       1st place - NCKF A      1st place - WKF B
2nd place - ECUSKF A     2nd place - SCKF A      2nd place - ECUSKF A
3rd place - AEUSKF A     3rd place - SCKF B      3rd place - NCKF A
3rd place - SCKF A       3rd place - NCKF B      3rd place - SCKO B

14th ALL UNITED STATES KENDO CHAMPIONSHIPS – June 23/24/25, 2017, Independence High School, San Jose, California

Junior Youth Boys                         Junior Youth Girls
1st place - Riki Okawa, SCKO              1st place - Seyeon Park, NCKF
2nd place - Leon Stewart, SEUSKF          2nd place - Aika Onitsuka, NCKF
3rd place - Tylor Wang, WKF               3rd place - Betty Park, PNKF
3rd place - Ethan Chen, NCKF              3rd place - Naomi Yu, SCKF
 Kantosho - Benjamin Ahn, WKF              Kantosho - Sarah Kang, SEUSKF
 Kantosho - Kengo Underhill, PNKF          Kantosho - Mika Nikaido, SCKF
 Kantosho - Aidan Jokela, MWKF             Kantosho - Aibrean Langan, EUSKF
 Kantosho - Joe Shimada, GNEUSKF           Kantosho - Daphne Chen, SCKF

Senior Youth Boys                         Senior Youth Girls
1st place - Mashu Sugiyama, SCKF          1st place - Takino Morishima, SEUSKF
2nd place - Mario Tanabe, NCKF            2nd place - Jamie Tada, SCKF
3rd place - Kai Shimada, GNEUSKF          3rd place - Ririka Satoh, SCKF
3rd place - Tiarnan Marsten, PNKF         3rd place - Taery Kim, SCKF
 Kantosho - Hayden Gingrich, EUSKF         Kantosho - Carolyne Ikeda, NCKF
 Kantosho - Arata Ogikubo, SCKO            Kantosho - Jennifer DeJong, PNKF
 Kantosho - Hiroshi Kiuchi, SCKO           Kantosho - Allison Kojima, PNKF
 Kantosho - James Ro, SEUSKF               Kantosho - Emi Ichimura, NCKF

Mudansha                                  Seniors
1st place - Akira Minamitani, SCKF        1st place - Hiroshi Ichimura, NCKF
2nd place - Christina Lin, SCKF           2nd place - Atsushi Kajioka, SCKO
3rd place - Gregory Lewis, SEUSKF         3rd place - Behzad Hadizadeh, AEUSKF
3rd place - David Pantoja, NCKF           3rd place - Eiichiro Nakano, SCKO
 Kantosho - Kai-Lin Jang, SCKF             Kantosho - Hoon Chang, AEUSKF
 Kantosho - Kiutran Phan, SCKO             Kantosho - Takaaki Sato, MWKF
 Kantosho - Jonathan Han, WKF              Kantosho - Nozumu Ishimori, SEUSKF
 Kantosho - Sungjin Kim                    Kantosho - Shuji Matsushita, AEUSKF+

Women's                                   Men's
1st place - Esther Kim, SCKF              1st place - D.J. Huh, SCKF
2nd place - Shiori Chimielewski, MWKF     2nd place - Arashi Steele, MWKF
3rd place - Makiko Adachi, SWUSKIF        3rd place - Kenneth Song, WKF
3rd place - Yuri Kil, SCKF                3rd place - Ken Mizobe, SCKF
 Kantosho - Elizabeth Marsten, PNKF        Kantosho - Taro Ariga, SCKO
 Kantosho - Minako Harigai, SCKO           Kantosho - Takuro Yamaoka, SWUSKIF
 Kantosho - Yuko Saito, SCKO               Kantosho - Ryoma Tominaga, GNEUSKF
 Kantosho - Grace An, NCKF                 Kantosho - Julian Williams, SCKF

Junior Youth Boys Team   Junior-Senior Youth Girls Team                                 Senior Youth Boys Team
1st place - WKF          1st place - SEUSKF (T. Morishima, Y. Chae, G. Castro, S. Kang) 1st place - SCKO
2nd place - SCKF         2nd place - NCKF                                               2nd place - SEUSKF
3rd place - NCKF         3rd place - SCKO                                               3rd place - NCKF
3rd place - SCKO         3rd place - SCKF (S. Maekawa, T. Kim, R. Satoh, J. Tada)       3rd place - SCKF

Mudansha Team            Seniors Team                                                     Men's Team
1st place - NCKF         1st place - NCKF (J. Eitoku, H. Ishimura, C. Park, A. Mizunoue)  1st place - SCKF
2nd place - SCKF         2nd place - SCKO                                                 2nd place - GNEUSKF
3rd place - SEUSKF       3rd place - SCKF                                                 3rd place - MWKF
3rd place - SCKO         3rd place - EUSKF                                                3rd place - SWUSKIF

Women's Team
1st place - SCKF (L. Fu, K. Tada, E. Kim, A. Dong, Y. Kil, K. Liu, Y. Arima)
2nd place - PNKF (J. Frazier-Day, N. Grimes, M. DeJong, T. Imanishi, B. Lin, J. Chen, E. Marsten)
3rd place - MWKF (S. Masuko, S. Chmielewski, R. McCarty, M. Ahn, M. Fujimoto, Y. Suzuki Saathoff)
3rd place - SCKO (H. Nohara Hsueh, M. Harigai, Y. Saito, Y. Miura, S. Segawa, V.Kuo)

LEEWARD OAHU KENDO TOURNAMENT – June 25, 2017, Mililani District Park Gym

Yonenbu 8-10 Years                       Shonenbu 12-14 Years
1st place - Jacob Amano                  1st place - Brandyn Matsumoto
2nd place - Maiki Uda                    2nd place - Caden Matsumoto
3rd place - Trinity Kishimoto            3rd place - Zachary Yamamoto
3rd place - Ethan Amano

Seinenbu 14-16 Years                     Seinenbu 17 Years and Older
1st place - Go Hayakawa                  1st place - Yunsang Park
2nd place - Landon Wong                  2nd place - Brent Suyama
3rd place - Kai Kishishita               3rd place - Brian Howell

Women's Yudansha                         Yudansha 1-2 Dan
1st place - Nicole Chun                  1st place - Shoshi Hashimoto
2nd place - Gina Kishimoto               2nd place - Yoshinori Imagawa
3rd place - Kano Hashimoto               3rd place - Eric Young
3rd place - Jessica Sneed                3rd place - Eric Tomishima

Yudansha 3-4 Dan                         Yudansha 5-6 Dan
1st place - Kevin Chun                   1st place - Grant Matsubayashi
2nd place - Nicklaus Matsumoto           2nd place - Chris Goodin
3rd place - Daiki Miura                  3rd place - Katsushi Chinen
                                         3rd place - Jack Yamada

Yudansha Masters 45 Years and Over
1st place - Elton Ushio
2nd place - Ron Miller
3rd place - Elbert Yoshida
3rd place - Marvin Acklin

Team Match                               Parents/Kids Team Match
1st place - Kenshikan                    Parents - 4
2nd place - Waipahu Seibukan             Kids - 1
James Oka "Kantosho" Fighting Spirit Award - Maiki Uda


AUSKF KODANSHA SHINSA, April 9, 2017, San Jose, California

5TH DAN: Scott Chang (SCKF), Jeff Cheng-yu Chen (NCKF), Dale Hatakeyama (NCKF), Hidenori Kongo
(SCKF), Hidenori Kongo (NCKF), Jeffrey Marsten (PNKF), Hitoshi Tanabe (NCKF), Linda Tanaka (NCKF),
Hiroaki Yano (SCKO), Suzan Zau (SCKF). 6TH DAN: Jason Brown (SCKF), Dong Jin Huh (SCKF), Sunmi
Lim (WKF), Taisuke Mori (MWKF), Shinji Onitsuka (NCKF), Kijae Song (WKF), Teruo Tamano (SCKO). 7TH
Kevin Abe (SCKF), Masataka Sakaue (SCKF). Renshi: Jimmy Eitoku (NCKF).
Kyoshi: Masayasu Ando (PNKF), Tetsuo Komizu (SWKIF).

ZNKR KENDO SHINSA, June 4, 2017, Shizuoka, Japan

5TH DAN: Samantha Du, Shanghai.

AUSKF IAIDO SHINSA, June 11, 2017 Bryn Mawr

3RD KYU: Jayson Gesulga (Musoshindenryu Iaido Agassiz MWKF, Igor Motov (Doshikai AEUSKF), Gilberto
Perez (Toku Bu Kan SEUSKF), Ben Senderling (Omaha SWUSKIF), Joshua Stadtlander-Miller (Ken-Zen
AEUSKF), Nathanial Thomason Musoshindenryu Iaido Agassiz MWKF), Darryl Woods (Mushinkan SWUSKIF).
2ND KYU: Soo Chul Bang (Shidogakuin NY GNEUSKF), Joseph Costa (Itto Kai AUSKF), Michael
Jacobson (Musoshindenryu Iaido Agassiz MWKF), Phil Sevin (Zen Bu Kan RMKIF), Feng (Blade) Wang
(Mushinkan SWUSKIF). 1ST KYU: Dylan Abrams (Cherry Hill EUSKF), Jeremie Clark (Doshikai
AEUSKF), Ritchard Higham (Ken-Zen AEUSKF), Peter Kim (Doshikai AEUSKF), Hiroyuki Maeda (Idaho PNKF).
1ST DAN: Dominique Alfandari (Sei Zan AEUSKF), Cheyenne Baker (Dallas-Fort Worth SWUSKIF),
David Carroll (River City SUSKIF), Helene Cousin (Sei Zan AEUSKF), Michael Schuldt (Musoshindenryu
Iaido-Agassiz MWKF), Scott Watson (Michigan Koryu MWKF), Nathan Williams Dallas-Fort Worth SWUSKIF).
2ND DAN: John Baker (Dallas-Fort Worth SWUSKIF), Jordy Davis (Zen Bu Kan RMKIF), Celeste Rosell
(Zen Bu Kan RMKIF). 3RD DAN: Jose Arenas Gomez (Aizen BRAZIL), Michael Sareyani (Ken-Zen
AEUSKF). 4TH DAN: Sasha Corchado (JSS EUSKF), Orsolya Kiss (Cleveland Touyuukai GNEUSKF),
Michael Pattarozzi (Rocky Mountain RMKIF), Kevin Thibedeau (Ken-Zen AEUSKF). 5TH DAN: Gordon
Hall (Ken-Zen AEUSKF). 6TH DAN: David Bressler (Ken-Zen AEUSKF), Jason Hankins (Zen Bu Kan
RMKIF), Nancy James (Sei Zan AEUSKF), Samuel Okuno (Norwalk SCKF).

AUSKF JODO SHINSA, June 11, 2017 Bryn Mawr

1ST KYU: Bradley Anderson (Musoshindenryu Iaido Agassiz MWKF), David Bressler (Ken-Zen AEUSKF),
Nikiforos Fokas (US Kobujodokai AUSKF), Bob Fushimi (Yamakage SWUSKIF), Jayson Gesulga (Musoshindenryu
Iaido Agassiz MWKF) Michael Jacobson (Musoshindenryu Iaido Agassiz MWKF), Kazuhiro Kawashima
(Shidogakuin NY GNEUSKF), An Nguyen (Butokuden SCKO), Jaden Olah (Yamakage SWUSKIF), Raab Rashi
(Seitokan EUSKF), Adam Sandor (Musoshindenryu Iaido Agassiz MWKF), Michael Schuldt (Musoshindenryu
Iaido Agassiz MWKF), Kevin Thibedeau (Ken-Zen AEUSKF), Richard -Todosichuk (Doshikai AEUSKF), Phillip
VanDenBerghe (Baltimore-Annapolis SEUSKF), Scott Watson (Michigan Koryu MWKF). 1ST DAN: Peter
Kim (Doshikai AEUSKF), Gina Konstantopoulos (Ken-Zen AEUSKF), Alec Milton (Ken-Zen AEUSKF).


To renew, when we are deadlocked with the enemy, means that without changing our circumstances we
change our spirit and win through a different technique. (Musashi) The true Way of the strategy is the
craft of defeating the enemy in a fight, and nothing other than this. If you attain and adhere to the
wisdom of my strategy, you need never doubt that you will win. (Musashi) I did not graduate from
Busen. I would have been the 31st class to graduate from Busen in 1944, but I was drafted into the
Japanese military in 1942. There were two entering classes after mine, and then Busen closed forever.
Japan was at war, and many of the Sensei’s and students had been called to serve in the Japanese
military before I received my draft notice during my second year of classes. Actually attending Seiho
Middle School for Japanese (Kokugo) and then Ritsumeikan University for Chinese classical writing
(Kanbun), allowed me to remain out of service for longer than many of the students. Each year Ogawa
Sensei submitted an exemption form for me, but my exemption finally expired. Because most of the
senseis had already been drafted, there was certainly no excuse for not serving. Once notified,
military service was mandatory. And I served from October 1942 to September 12, 1945, the end of World
War II. I recall the Nisei song composed by one of the Japanese language teachers at the Wahiawa
Hongwanji Buddhist temple. He composed it from an old Japanese school song and adapted the words to
our life in Hawaii. We all knew the song and sang it almost as what would be called a pep rally song
today. I recently recorded it to send to Kyoto for the Busen anniversary, together with the Busen
school song.

  Rekishi Wa Nagashi Sanzen Nen 
  Koto Kagayaku Hinomoto No
  Fubo No Chi Ukeshi Warera Nari
  Seigi Wo Motte Kuni Wo tate
  Sekai Ni Kan taru Tomi Wo Motsu
  Amerika Shimin No Warera Nari
  Long 3,000 year history,
  of the shining unbroken Japanese Imperial line.
  We, the heirs of this 3,000 year lineage,
  With justice we build this country
  A nation unsurpassed in the world as ours
  American citizens we became. 

I don’t know what my father’s view of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was, but in 1941, he sent my
brother Tomio (Brian) to Japan, knowing that he would be drafted into the Japanese Imperial Army. I
saw him for one day; the next he answered the draft. Brian fought in the Japan-China War, which began
in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria. His was a more gentle nature than mine when we were kids in
Wahiawa, so I doubt that Brian was eager to be a soldier. But he had no choice but to obey my father.
He spoke of his war experience rarely, but his time in service was not easy. He was pure Japanese, but
having been raised in Hawaii, his language skills were more lacking than mine when I arrived at Kyoto.
A worthy Japanese does not speak pidgen. His fellow soldiers not only rejected him but beat him
frequently. The Japanese invasion of China brought hell, and the Japanese army brought Brian nothing
but a constant, tortuous hell.

–Rod Nobuto Omoto, Autobiography, edited by Charlotte Omoto, 2014, p. 28-29.
Available as free download at


Kenyu – Monthly Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation
Tom Bolling, Editor – 7318 23rd Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98115

Tom Bolling’s home page

Posted in Kenyu

Kenyu – January/February/March 2017

Volume 31, number 1/2/3

January/February/March 2017


June 2017

  • 6/10: Rose City Taikai, Sat, doors open 8am, start time 9am, PCC Cascade Campus Gym, 705 N. Killingsworth Street, Portland, OR 97217.
  • 6/10-13/2017: AUSKF Iaido Seminar and Jodo Seminar and Shinsa, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA.
  • 6/22-26: AUSKF Championships and Junior Championships, Wed-Sun, Independence High School, San Jose, California.
    • 6/21: Manager/Referee Meetings, Wed.
    • 6/22: Junior Open National Championships, Thu.
    • 6/23-25: AUSKF National Championships, Fri-Sun.
  • 6/25: Leeward Oahu Kendo Tournament, Sun, Mililani District Park Gym, Hawaii.

July 2017

  • 7/6-9: 10th US Nito Seminar and Shinsa, Thu-Mon, Boise State University, Rec Center Main Gym, 1515 University
    Drive, Boise, Idaho.
  • 7/22: PNKF Board, Sat, 9-11am, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

August 2017

  • 8/12: PNKF Shinsa, Sat, Iaido 9am-12noon; Kendo 12:30-4pm, open keiko 4-5pm, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

September 2017

  • 9/16: PNKF Board, Sat, 3-5pm, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 9/22-9/24: PNKF Iaido Seminar, Fri/Sat/Sun.
    • Rain City Fencing, 1776 136th Place NE, Bellevue. Teachers: Iaido Kyoshi 8th Dan Hideo Noguchi; and Iaido Kyoshi 7th
      Dan Shigehiro Aoki and Kaoru Suzuki.
    • Schedule: Fri, 7-9pm Jodo/Iaido; Sat, 9am-5pm Iaido; Sun 9am-12noon Iaido Tournament; 1-5pm Iaido.

October 2017

  • 10/7: PNKF Shinpan Seminar, 12noon-4pm, open keiko 4-5pm, Tyee Educational Complex, 4424 S. 188th Street, SeaTac, located
    right off I-5 at S. 188th Street.
  • 10/21: Tacoma Taikai
    • 9:30am Opening Ceremonies (doors open at 8:30am), Curtis High School, 8425 40th Street West, University Place, WA 98466

November 2017

  • 11/4: PNKF Taikai, Sat, 9:30am,525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 11/11-12, AUSKF Board and Kodansha Shinsa, Sat/Sun, TBD.
  • 11/18: PNKF Board, Sat, 9-11am, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

December 2017

  • 12/??: Kent Taikai, Sat, report time 9am, start 9:30am, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.

September 2018

  • 9/14-16: 17WKC, Fri/Sat/Sun, Incheon, Korea.

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Posted in Kenyu

Kenyu – October/November/December 2016

Kenyu logo

Volume 30, number 10/11/12

October/November/December 2016


January 2017

  • 1/7-8: Boise State University Iaido Seminar & Shinsa “Kokusai Budo Daigakku, Kazuhisa Kaneda Iaido Seminar”,
    Sat/Sun, KANEDA Kazuhisa sensei, Iaido Kyoshi 8 Dan, Instructor at International Budo University in Katsuura Japan,
    8 time All Japan Iaido National Champion, Author of “Iai no Kihon” (Iai Basics) Book and DVD set I II & III,
    Boise State University, Rec Center Main Gym, 1515 University Drive, Boise Idaho 83725.

    • 1/7: 10am-5pm.
    • 1/8: 10am-3pm
    • 1/8: Iaido Shinsa testing up through 3rd Dan, Sun, 9-10am, open to PNKF members, AUSKF members, and FIK
  • 1/14: PNKF Board, Sat, 9-11am, 525 4th Avenue N. (corner of 4th and James St.) Kent.
  • 1/21-22: FIK America Zone Shinpan Seminar, Sat/Sun, Feldman Recreation Center, 8800 W. Kathy Lane, Niles, IL 60714.
    • 1/21: Seminar, Goodwill Keiko 9am-4:30pm; Welcome Party 7-9pm.
    • 1/22: Seminar, Goodwill Keiko 8:30am-12noon.

February 2017

  • 2/4: PNKF Kata Seminar, Sat, 12noon-4pm, open keiko 4-5pm, Chinook Middle School, 18650 42nd Ave S, SeaTac, located right off I-5 at S. 188th Street.
  • 2/11: Steveston Taikai, Sat, 9am, McMath High School, 4251 Garry Street, Richmond BC.
  • 2/25: PNKF Shinsa, Sat, Iaido 9am-12noon; Kendo 12:30-3:30pm, Godo Keiko 3:30-4:30pm, Chinook Middle School, 18650 42nd Ave S, SeaTac, located right off I-5 at S. 188th Street. Stroud Sensei wants to emphasize the importance of this Godo Keiko, and he would encourage all PNKF members to make an effort to attend. Some of his fondest memories of coming up through the Kyu and early Dan ranks were associated with PNKF Godo keiko events. For him, we can all benefit from a chance to keiko with each other, cross shinai with people who we seldom see, and get a chance to work on our own keiko. He will be trying to be the first one on the floor.
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Posted in Kenyu