Kenyu – May/June 2019

Volume 33, number 5/6 May/June 2019


July 2019
  • 7/6-7/13: North American Women’s Kendo Tournament and Seminar, led by Kendo Renshi 7th Dan Chinatsu Maruyama, five time All Japan Champion, Seminar 7/6-7/11 Sat-Thu. Championship 7/13 Sat, 9:30am-5pm, Renton Community Center, 1715 Maple Valley Hwy, Renton. or Facebook for full schedule.
  • 7/14: Western Kendo Federation(WKF) 2019 ENGO Scholarship Junior Kendo Championship, Sat, John Burroughs High School Gymnasium Building 5, 1920 W. Clark Ave, Burbank, California. Registration deadline June 20, 2019.
  • 7/20: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle.
  • 7/28: Toubukan International Friendship Kendo Summer Practice, Sun, 9am-3pm, Toubukan Dojo, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan.
  • 7/28-7/29: Hoshu Dojo Jodo Mini-Camp, Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 9am-12noon, Rain City Fencing Center, 1776 136th Place NE, Bellevue.
August 2019
  • 8/9-11: PNKF Summer Camp, Fri, Sat, Sun, Highland Community Center, Steve Cox Memorial Park.
  • 8/9: Friday, 8-9:30pm, Highland Community Center (Bellevue Kendo Club). Content: kodansha shinsa – we will have a mock exam with feedback from sensei that sit on the AUSKF Kodansha Board. This mock exam is for 4D and above only.
  • 8/10: Saturday, 9:30-11:30am, Kent Community Center (Kent Kendo Club). Content: 3 stations – bokuto kata, kendo kata and shinsa prep for 4D and below. This content will be flexible based on attendance. Saturday, 12:30pm-3pm – PNKF Shinkyu Shinsa 3-4:30pm -Open keiko
  • 8/11: Sunday, 10am-3pm, Steve Cox Memorial Park (Highline Kendo Kai). Content: shimpan and shiai for jodan and nito – we will have matches to improve our shimpan experience with jodan and nito players, as well as shiai techniques for countering them. 12pm-1pm -Lunch break – you will need to provide your own. 1pm-3pm – Junior matches – shimpan practice for adults and coaching pointers from PNKF 2020 team coaches.
  • Please note, you need to be a PNKF member to participate in all events. Brandon Harada sensei, 7D, former Team USA member, is coming to lead our seminar, participate in the shinsa, and keiko with us as part of the AUSKF/Team USA Giving Back program.
  • 8/16-8/18: AUSKF Summer Camp, Fri/Sat/Sun, George S. Eccles Student Life Center, University of Utah Campus, Salt Lake City. Event hotel is University Guest House and Conference Center, 110 S. Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt Lake City, Utah 84113. For info please contact Steven Sasaki phone 402-968-0615
September 2019
  • 9/7-9/8: Team USA Gasshuku, required to be considered for participation in 18WKC, Sat 8am-4pm; Sun 8am-12noon, Wilson Park, 2200 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance, CA. Attendance Fee: $50 (checks payable to “AUSKF Team USA”). Send all checks to: Spencer Hosokawa, 17 Amelia Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656.
  • 9/14: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle.
  • 9/27-9/29: PNKF Iaido Seminar, Tournament, and Shinsa. October 2019
  • 10/5: PNKF Shinpan Seminar, Sat, 12noon-5pm, Kent Commons Recreational Center, 525 4th Avenue N., Kent.
  • 10/26: Tacoma Taikai, Sat, venue and time TBD.
November 2019
  • 11/2: PNKF Taikai, Kent Commons Recreational Center, 525 4th Avenue N., Kent.
  • 11/2-11/3: AUSKF Second Team USA Gasshuku, Sat/Sun, venue and times TBD.
  • 11/9-10: AUSKF Board meeting.
  • 11/10: AUSKF Kodansha Shinsa.
  • 11/16: PNKF Board meeting, 9-11am, Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle.
December 2019
  • 12/7: Kent Taikai, Sat, TBD, Kent Commons Recreational Center, 525 4th Avenue N., Kent.
May 2021
  • 5/27-30: 18WKC, Thu-Sun, Paris, France.


At their May 4, 2019 meeting the PNKF Board elected Kendo Renshi 6th Dan Elizabeth Marsten Head Coach of Team PNKF for the 2020 AUSKF Championships. The PNKF Head Coach oversees the assistant coaches of the men’s, women’s, and juniors’ Teams. For years she was the PNKF Advisor to UW, and has competed in many events, including at the World Kendo Championships in 2000, and in 2003, when her Team won the bronze medal in Glasgow, Scotland. She captained the PNKF Womens’ Team which won second place at the 2017 AUSKF Championships in San Jose, California.


In the early Meiji Era, Toubukan Dojo inherited Hokushin Ittouryu, the origin of the modern Kendo. Takaharu Naito Sensei, who was sent to Kyoto Budo Senmon Gakko (Busen) from Toubukan, later produced many Kendo instructors. Through them, Kendo was introduced to the rest of the world. Gordon Warner Sensei, who taught Kendo in the USA, and with Junzo Sasamori Sensei wrote This Is Kendo, also spent time at Toubukan, which appears in his book. Practicing Kendo at this historical Dojo in Japan would be an unforgettable experience.
1) Opening
2) Demonstration
  - Iai
  - Hokushin Ittouryu
  - Shin Tamiyaryu
  - Naginata
3) Kodansha Tachiai
4) Keiko
Purpose: To nurture friendship through Kendo (Kou Ken Chi Ai). They are keen to hold a friendship Kendo match/keiko inviting Kendoists from overseas. Our friend Katsunori Osuga Sensei has practiced extensively overseas, including here in the PNKF, so they asked him to check if anyone is interested to come. The cost for the trip and stay in Japan will have to be borne by the participants. It will be held on Sunday, July 28, 2019, in Mito City, which is a two-hour bus ride from Narita. Practicing Kendo in this famous traditional Dojo will be an unforgettable experience. Since time is pressed for planning, please let Osuga Sensei know if anyone is interested to come. The number of participants is not limited. Osuga Sensei’s address is:


10 and Under                            11 and 12 Years
1st place – S. Johnson, Seattle         1st place – J. Yu, Northwest
2nd place – V. Chen, Oakland            2nd place – N. Chu, Bellevue
3rd place – E. Cocoro Marx, Federal Way 3rd place – I. DeBlieck, Sno-King
3rd place – O. Kaufman, Portland        3rd place – D. Chung, Cascade

13 and 14 Years                         High School Girls
1st place – J. Paik, Tacoma             1st place – B. Park, Bellevue
2nd place – A. Mabale, Seattle          2nd place – A. Fukuda, Cascade
3rd place – M. Ayers, Sno-King          3rd place – S. Kojima, Cascade
3rd place – E. Kim, Seattle             3rd place – H. Son, Federal Way

High School Boys
1st place – Keiji Underhill, Northwest
2nd place – Kengo Underhill, Northwest
3rd place – K. Takamatsu, Bellevue
3rd place – A. Yuen, Seattle

Junior Teams
1st place - Bellevue (M. Tawara, H. Koob, K. Takamatsu, J. Chu, L. Ohata)
2nd place - Seattle (A. Mabale, S. Kim, A. Fung, E. Kim, N. Orita)

High School Teams
1st place – Cascade (Da. Chung, K. Fukuda, A. Garr)
2nd place – Seattle (K. Hale, M. Hsu, A. Yuen)
Awesome Spirit Award – Kyle Fukuda, Cascade
Centurion Bellevue Highline Sno-King Youth Leadership Award – Issei DeBlieck, Sno-King
Head Shinpan - David Yotsuuye; Taikai Chair – Michi Ohata; Sportsmanship Pledge – Michi Ohata

4th ANNUAL VANCOUVER KENDO TOURNAMENT – June 1, 2019, Byrne Secondary School

9 Years and Under                       10 to 12 Years
1st place – Y. Asaoka, Youshinkan       1st place – N. Son, Renbu
2nd place – A. Kobayashi, Youshinkan    2nd place – C. Liao, Renbu
3rd place – M. Ishizuka, Youshinkan     3rd place – B. Buckham, UVic
3rd place – M. Tanimura, Seattle        3rd place – Ke Yoshimura, Renbu

13 to 15 Years                          16 to 20 Years
1st place – K. Underhill, Northwest     1st place – K. Muramatsu, Renfrew
2nd place – B. Miki, Steveston          2nd place – H. Shim, Renbu
3rd place – K. Squance, Renbu           3rd place – G. Kitamura, Tozenji
3rd place – R. Nakano, Steveston        3rd place – D. Imanishi, Seattle

21 to 30 Years                          31 to 40 Years
1st place – K. Unzei, Aoi Budogu        1st place – K. Kobayashi, Yushinkan
2nd place – R. Asato, Vancouver         2nd place – G. Suzaka, Seattle
3rd place – T. Hamanaka, Tozenji        3rd place – J. Magaling, SFU
3rd place – A. Xie, Youshinkan          3rd place – A. Yen, Seattle

41 Years and Over                       Women
1st place – M. Rose, Renfrew            1st place – C. Takeuchi, Youshinkan
2nd place – HK Park, Century            2nd place – A. Fukushima, Vancouver
3rd place – F. Yoshimura, Renbu         3rd place – K. Darbyshire, Vancouver
3rd place – J. Schmidt, Youshinkan      3rd place – N. Fukushima, Vancouver

Junior Team
1st place – Renbu A (N. Son, K. Squance, H. Tominaga, A. Son, Y. Lee)
2nd place – Steveston A (A. Iwai, C. Robillard, D. Chui, B. Miki, R. Nakano)

Senior Team
1st place - Youshinkan (K. Takeuchi, A. Xie, K. Kobayashi, J. Chien, C. Takeuchi)
2nd place – Bellevue/Highline/Sno-King (E. Park, Y. Shim, F. Wessbecher, K. Unzei, L. Tsybert)
Fighting Spirit - M. Shirai, Youshinkan and M. Underhill, Northwest
Shinpan-Cho – Motoki Asaoka; Master of Ceremonies - Bill McMichael; Sportsmanship Pledge – John Leung

3rd TADAO TODA HAI MEMORIAL KENDO TOURNAMENT – June 16, 2019, Caldwell, Idaho

Lower Division (2 Dan and Below)        Upper Division (3 Dan and Above)
1st place – Jordy Davis, Zenbukan       1st place – Fumihide Itokazu, Covina
2nd place – Tyler Peterson, Idaho       2nd place – Jason Steick, Edmonton
3rd place – Yumon Wei, NYC              3rd place – Ryan Atagi, Idaho
3rd place – Blake Sprenger, Obukan      3rd place – Paul Winters, New York Kenshinkai

2019 ROSE CITY TAIKAI – June 22, 2019, Conestoga Recreation and Aquatic Center, Beaverton, Oregon

Women’s Open                            Juniors 12 and Under
1st place – A. Nakayama, Portland       1st place – J. Paik, Tacoma
2nd place – K. Croes, Portland          2nd place – J. Kabeshita, Obukan
3rd place – A. Epilepsia, Bellevue
3rd place – K. McIntosh, Federal Way

Juniors 13-15                           0-3 Kyu
1st place – J. Paik, Tacoma             1st place – L. Bobadilla, OSU
2nd place – T. Ting, Northwest          2nd place – A. Kim, Bellevue
3rd place – T. Kabeshita, Obukan
3rd place – D. Wildman, Portland

2-1 Kyu                                 1-2 Dan
1st place – A. Rossi, Spokane           1st place – Y. Paik, Tacoma
2nd place – M. Rea, Spokane             2nd place – Shun Wetlesen, Obukan
3rd place – T. Jaybush, Bellevue        3rd place – A. Law, Sno-King
3rd place – K. McIntosh, Federal Way    3rd place – G. Vielhaber, Portland

3 Dan                                   4 Dan and Above
1st place – K. Nakaya, Portland         1st place – I. Morgan, Kent
2nd place – D. Anzai, Obukan            2nd place – A. Nakayama, Portland
3rd place – N. Cook, Portland           3rd place – C. Ruiz, Spokane
3rd place – M. Price, Seattle           3rd place – E. Wain, Portland

Junior Teams
1st place - Tacoma (S. Johnson, Juah Paik, Joshua Paik)
2nd place - Obukan (I. Ohayashi, J. Kabeshita, L. Jesequel)

Senior Teams
1st place - Obukan (Shun Wetlesen, Shota Wetlesen, B. Sprenger, D. Anzai, M. Nakamura)
2nd place - Spokane (A. Rossi, I. Morgan, M. Nelson, M. Rea, C. Ruiz)
3rd place – Portland A (K. Nakaya, G. Nakayama, A. Nakayama, E. Waln, T. Toshima)
3rd place – Portland B (N. Cook, G. Vielhaber, J. Kaufman, A. Chervin, K. Croes)
Head Shinpan - Doug Imanishi; Competitors’ Pledge – Joe Kabeshita; Master of Ceremonies – Kenneth Gordon

LEEWARD OAHU KENDO TOURNAMENT – June 23, 2019, Mililani District Park Gym

Yonenbu 8-11 Years                      Shonenbu 12-15 Years
1st place – Leland Hara                 1st place – Devin Chung
2nd place – Takeshi Saito               2nd place – Abigail Mejia
3rd place – Zachary Yamamoto
3rd place – Ken Foltz

Seinenbu Open                           Women’s Open
1st place – Ai Fukuda                   1st place – Zidi Hiromoto
2nd place – Tom Fukuda                  2nd place – Aki Stachiewiez
3rd place – N. Shimabukuro              3rd place – Tina Kaku
3rd place – Gina Kishimoto

Yudansha 1-2 Dan                        Yudansha 3-4 Dan
1st place – Y. Park                     1st place – James Okada
2nd place – Kyle Fukuda                 2nd place – Keith Hui
3rd place – Jake Yamauchi               3rd place – Lonny Hancock
3rd place – Keone Rivers                3rd place – Koyo Yancey

Yudansha 5-6 Dan                        Yudansha Masters 3 Dan and Over 50 Years
1st place – Chris Goodin                1st place – Garrett Matsumoto
2nd place – Bryan Imanishi              2nd place – David Kikau
3rd place – Jack Yamada                 3rd place – Ken Sugano
3rd place – Grant Matsubayashi

Team Match                              Parents/Kids Team Match
1st place – Mililani (Mark Miyamoto, Wesley Fujimoto, Lonnie Hancock, Gina Kishimoto, Andy Fujimoto)
2nd place – Kenshikan (Jack Yamada, Nicklas Matsumoto, Kevin Chun, Zidi Hiromoto, Yuichi Miura)

Parents/Kids Team Match
Parents – 2
Kids - 4
James Oka Fighting Spirit Award – Abigail Mejia


My final order was to return to Kochi to gather the supplies we had saved by scattering them in the hills in farmers’ warehouses. The roads were narrow, the drivers inexperienced and the trucks easily slid into the rice paddies. We had no towing tools so when a truck was stuck, everyone would work together to heave the truck upright and attempt to get it back on the road. But that was easy compared to rescuing our own men who would often become trapped inside the truck when it rolled. One time a truck rolled over and pinned a soldier. Gasoline spilled from the truck and covered his body. We finally rolled the truck off him, but he was in no shape to continue his duties. Due to the gasoline burns, his skin was peeling from his entire body. He suffered horribly, especially when he moved. I sent him back to Hiroshima. Then came the Atomic Bomb that released his pain completely! How perfunctory and cold my attitude now seems – he burned then died. No description of his unrelenting screams of agony, the calls to his mother, the terror in his eyes. But that is what happens in war. Too much suffering and death can drive a man insane unless the senses of pity and horror are numbed. Anger is acceptable. Soldiers are taught not to look in the eyes of an enemy if killing in close combat. Looking into the eyes creates a relationship. We are taught about relationship in Kendo. But there is no time in boot camp to learn how to create a life as well as take a life. In modern warfare, killing is, when possible, more distant. That is probably good for the mental health of soldiers, even though it avoids confronting the reality of death on a bloody battlefield. –Rod Nobuto Omoto, Autobiography, edited by Charlotte Omoto, 2014, p. 38-39. Available as free download at Kenyu – Monthly Newsletter of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation PLEASE NOTE: Kenyu Online IS THE EDITION OF RECORD FOR THIS NEWSLETTER – Tom Bolling, Editor – 7318 23rd Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98115
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